4171. Roderic G.10 BARTON (Albert A.9, Almon Grosvenor8, Grosvenor7, David6, Nathan5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Conewango, Cattaraugus, NY 23 March 1928. Roderic died 31 August 2005 in Frewsburg, Chautauqua, NY, at 77 years of age.
Rod was a WW II vet serving in the Pacific on board the Essex and the Yorktown. He owned Barton Electric in Warren.
Roderic G. BARTON and Joan REYNOLDS had the following children:
5198 i. Deborah11 BARTON (still alive).
5199 ii. Martha BARTON (still alive).
5200 iii. Alice BARTON (still alive).
5201 iv. Charles BARTON (still alive).
5202 v. John BARTON (still alive).
Send email to preparer: pwbarton1@comcast.net
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