1473. Charles M.8 BARTON (William7, Reuben6, Reuben5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in MA about 1829. Charles died 7 March 1910 in Palmer, Hampden, MA, at 80 years of age.(1446) His body was interred 10 March 1910 in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA.
He married Angeline D. CHAMBERLIN. Angeline was born 12 May 1837 in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. Angeline was the daughter of S. CHAMBERLIN. Angeline died 20 September 1901 in Palmer, Hampden, MA, at 64 years of age.
Charles was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Frankie BARTON (household member); Herbert H. BARTON (household member); Ella BARTON (household member); Elmer P. BARTON (household member); Arthur S. BARTON (household member); Angeline D. CHAMBERLIN (household member). Charles was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Alice J. BARTON (daughter); Abbie M. BARTON (daughter); Herbert H. BARTON (son); Frankie BARTON (son); Elmer P. BARTON (son); Angeline D. CHAMBERLIN (wife).
Charles M. BARTON and Angeline D. CHAMBERLIN had the following children:
+ 2905 i. Arthur S.9 BARTON was born about 1851.
2906 ii. Ella BARTON was born in MA 1855.
2907 iii. Elmer P. BARTON was born in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA 1863. He married Isabella MCDOUGALL 24 December 1888 in Palmer, Hampden, MA. Isabella was born 1865 in Scotland. Isabella was the daughter of Thomas MCDOUGALL.
Elmer was listed as a son in Charles M. BARTON's household on the 1880 Census in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Alice J. BARTON (daughter); Abbie M. BARTON (daughter); Herbert H. BARTON (son); Frankie BARTON (son); Angeline D. CHAMBERLIN (wife). Elmer was listed as a son-in-law in Thomas MCDOUGALL's household on the 1990 Census in Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Isabella MCDOUGALL (daughter). Elmer was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Thomas MCDOUGALL (father-in-law). Elmer was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Isabella MCDOUGALL (wife). Elmer and Isabella had no children.
2908 iv. Herbert H. BARTON was born in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA 19 June 1866. Herbert died 15 December 1885 in Palmer, Hampden, MA, at 19 years of age. Herbert was an operative in the mills and died of lung feaver.
+ 2909 v. Frankie BARTON was born December 1869.
2910 vi. Alice J. BARTON was born in MA about 1872.
2911 vii. Abbie M. BARTON was born in MA about 1874.
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