1296. Reuben Stowe8 BARTON (Perley7, Timothy Stowe6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in NY 16 October 1816. Reuben died 21 January 1888 in Rouses Point, NY, at 71 years of age.
He married Juniette Cook BEMIS 1840. Juniette was born 13 February 1823 in Monkton, VT. Juniette died 10 March 1883 in Rouses Point, NY, at 60 years of age.
Reuben was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Bridport, Addison, VT. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Juniette BARTON (household member); Cora BARTON (household member); Ella Mary BARTON (household member); Minnie A. BARTON (household member); Willis BARTON (household member); Juniette Cook BEMIS (household member). Reuben was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Champlain, Clinton, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Juniette BARTON (household member); Minnie A. BARTON (household member); Ella Mary BARTON (household member); Minnie A. BARTON (household member); Juniette Cook BEMIS (household member). Reuben was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Champlain, Clinton, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Juniette BARTON (daughter); Minnie A. BARTON (daughter); Cora BARTON (daughter); Juniette Cook BEMIS (wife). Reuben was a hotel keeper in 1860 and customs officer in the 1880 census.
Reuben Stowe BARTON and Juniette Cook BEMIS had the following children:
+ 2608 i. Willis9 BARTON was born April 1847.
2609 ii. Ella Mary BARTON was born in Crown Point, Essex, NY 21 November 1850. Ella died 15 August 1920 in Newport News, VA, at 69 years of age. She married Harry John FLEURY. Harry was born 8 December 1837 in Isle La Motte, VT. Harry died 2 May 1917 in Newport News, VA, at 79 years of age.
2610 iii. Minnie A. BARTON was born in NY about 1854.
2611 iv. Cora BARTON was born in NY about 1857.
2612 v. Juniette BARTON was born in Bridgeport, VT 13 August 1859. Juniette died 1 August 1944 in Ottumwa, Wapello, IA, at 84 years of age. She married Clarke Mattison PARIS. Clarke was born 23 September 1852 in VT.
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