2721. James Vernon9 BARTON (Almon Harvey8, Ozias Preston7, Alpheus6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in IL 17 April 1894. James died 4 July 1963 in KS, at 69 years of age.


James was listed as a son in Almon Harvey BARTON's household on the 1900 Census in Roscoe, Reno, KS. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Lydia BARTON (daughter); Cordelia BARTON (daughter); William Richard BARTON (son); Floyd W. BARTON (son). James was listed as a son in 859's household on the 1910 Census in Adams, Harper, OK. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Almon Harvey BARTON (Head of Family); Floyd W. BARTON (son).

James Vernon BARTON and Ruth WIFE OF VERNON BARTON had the following child:

child 4091 i. Bernol Vernon10 BARTON was born in KS 18 August 1920. Bernol died 30 December 1975 in KS, at 55 years of age.

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