4462. George Samson10 BARTON (George A.9, John8, John7, John6, John5, Caleb4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Cawker, Mitchle, KS 26 January 1885. George died 29 December 1966 in Saco, York, ME, at 81 years of age.
He married Virginia Evelyn BABCOCK 14 June 1911 in Auburn, Androscoggin, ME. Virginia was born about 1890 in Bowdoinham, Sagadahoc, ME. Virginia was the daughter of Charles C. JOHNSON and Nettie THOMS.
George was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Auburn, Androscoggin, ME. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Elizabeth Arnold BARTON (daughter); Dorothy Curtis BARTON (daughter); Charles C. JOHNSON (father-in-law); Nettie THOMS (mother-in-law); Virginia Evelyn BABCOCK (wife). George was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Auburn, Androscoggin, ME. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Elizabeth Arnold BARTON (daughter); Dorothy Curtis BARTON (daughter); Virginia Evelyn BABCOCK (wife). George is a cashier for a publishing company in the 1920 census.
George Samson BARTON and Virginia Evelyn BABCOCK had the following children:
5420 i. Dorothy Curtis11 BARTON was born in Auburn, Androscoggin, ME 4 September 1912. Dorothy died 11 November 1983 in Saco, York, ME, at 71 years of age. She married Norman Leslie TRIPP 19 June 1937 in Auburn, Androscoggin, ME. Norman was born 22 August 1906. Norman died November 1983 in Saco, York, ME, at 77 years of age.
5421 ii. Elizabeth Arnold BARTON was born in Auburn, Androscoggin, ME 1 July 1916. Elizabeth died 11 July 1934 in Auburn, Androscoggin, ME, at 18 years of age.
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