2425. Charles William9 WISE (Louisa Mary8 BARTON, Asa7, Nathaniel6, Joshua5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Woodfield, Monroe, OH 7 January 1854. Charles died 7 June 1933 in Morristown, Knox, OH, at 79 years of age.

He married Sarah Isabelle MERRIN 25 May 1876 in Knox, OH. Sarah was born 8 May 1856 in Fredricktown, Knox, OH.

Charles William WISE and Sarah Isabelle MERRIN had the following children:

child 3796 i. Wellington Rutherford10 WISE was born 7 April 1877.

child 3797 ii. Loretta Belle WISE was born 12 December 1879.

child 3798 iii. Walter Carlton WISE was born 29 August 1882.

child 3799 iv. Alice Ada WISE was born 25 September 1884.

child 3800 v. Florence Eva WISE was born 30 December 1889.

child 3801 vi. Leslie Howard WISE was born 11 September 1893.

child 3802 vii. John Beers WISE was born 27 July 1896.

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