2422. Mary Martha9 HUGHES (Nancy8 BARTON, Asa7, Nathaniel6, Joshua5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Ohio 3 September 1848. Mary died 10 July 1927 at 78 years of age.
She married Scott William WILSON. Scott was born about 1845 in Ohio. Scott was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Mason, Lawrence, OH.
Mary was listed as a household member living with Reason Brice HUGHES on the 1850 Census in Enoch, Monroe, OH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Rachel HUGHES (household member); Nancy BARTON (household member).
Mary Martha HUGHES and Scott William WILSON had the following children:
3789 i. Margarett10 WILSON was born in Ohio about 1867.
3790 ii. Naomi WILSON was born in Ohio about 1869.
3791 iii. Mary WILSON was born in Ohio about 1871.
3792 iv. Charles WILSON was born in Ohio about 1873.
3793 v. Nancy WILSON was born in Ohio about 1875.
3794 vi. Thomas WILSON was born in Ohio about 1877.
3795 vii. Robert WILSON was born in Ohio 1880.
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