1287. William Adams8 BARTON (Simon7, Timothy Stowe6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Bennington, Bennington, VT 11 June 1808. William died January 1897 in Crown Point, Essex, NY, at 88 years of age.
He married Electa TAYLER. Electa was born about 1812 in NY.
William was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Crown Point, Essex, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Myron BARTON (household member); Hiram BARTON (household member); James BARTON (household member); Melissa BARTON (household member); Henry BARTON (household member); Electa TAYLER (household member). William was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Crown Point, Essex, NY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Electa TAYLER (household member). William was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Crown Point, Essex, NY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Electa TAYLER (wife). William and Electa had 8 children. He is called a shoemaker in thed 1880 census.
William Adams BARTON and Electa TAYLER had the following children:
2561 i. Melissa9 BARTON was born in NY about 1832.
2562 ii. Hiram BARTON was born in NY about 1836.
2563 iii. Lyman BARTON was born in NY 1839.
2564 iv. Theodore BARTON was born in NY 1842.
2565 v. Almira BARTON was born 1844.
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