2791. George Hanlon9 BARTON (Hiram Emmett8, Hiram7, David6, Nathan5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Sacramento, Sacramento, CA 4 December 1871. George died 14 February 1953 in Yuba Co., CA, at 81 years of age.
He married Sarah Isabella BROWN 15 January 1912 in Sacramento, Sacramento, CA. Sarah was born 24 September 1893 in Latrobe, El Dorado, CA. Sarah was the daughter of Parker Aaron BROWN and Carrie Elizabeth BEST. Sarah died 13 August 1981 in Marysville, CA, at 87 years of age.
George was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in West Bear River, Yuba, CA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Carrie Marietta BARTON (daughter); Sarah Isabella BROWN (wife). George was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Marysville, Yuba, CA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Zella Elizabeth BARTON (daughter); Carrie Marietta BARTON (daughter); Richard Hiram BARTON (son); Sarah Isabella BROWN (wife). George was a dairy farmer.
George Hanlon BARTON and Sarah Isabella BROWN had the following children:
4203 i. James Hanlon10 BARTON was born in Clarksville, CA 6 December 1912. James died 6 December 1912 in Clarksville, CA, at less than one year of age.
+ 4204 ii. Carrie Marietta BARTON was born 26 April 1914.
4205 iii. George Henry BARTON was born in Wheatland, CA 24 November 1920. George died 24 November 1920 at less than one year of age.
4206 iv. Zella Elizabeth BARTON (living status unknown).
+ 4207 v. Richard Hiram BARTON (still alive).
4208 vi. Margaret Isabella BARTON was born in Wheatland, CA 31 August 1927. Margaret died 31 August 1927 at less than one year of age.
4209 vii. Lester David BARTON was born in Wheatland, CA 27 June 1933. Lester died 27 February 1934 at less than one year of age.
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