1285. Alvin J.8 BARTON (Alvin7, Jonathan6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in NY 4 May 1833.
He married Olive Jane PRATT about 1852. Olive was born 5 December 1835 in NY.
Alvin was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Horicon, Warren, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Melvin BARTON (household member); Betsey BARTON (household member); Lucinda BARTON (household member); Olive Jane PRATT (household member). Alvin was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Horicon, Warren, NY. Alvin was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Horicon, Warren, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Carrie BARTON (daughter); Lucinda BARTON (daughter); Joel BARTON (son); Melvin BARTON (son); Olive Jane PRATT (wife).
Alvin J. BARTON and Olive Jane PRATT had the following children:
2556 i. Betsey9 BARTON was born in NY 1853. Betsey died 11 December 1918 in NY, at 65 years of age. Her body was interred in Brant Lake, Warren, NY. She married William S. DAVIS. William was born 14 January 1853. William died 10 May 1925 in NY, at 72 years of age.
2557 ii. Lucinda BARTON was born in NY 18 August 1854. Lucinda died 30 March 1888 in NY, at 33 years of age. Her body was interred in Brant Lake, Warren, NY. She married G. J. TAFT.
+ 2558 iii. Melvin BARTON was born April 1858.
2559 iv. Carrie BARTON was born in NY 6 February 1864.
+ 2560 v. Joel BARTON was born May 1872.
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