4683. Robert D.10 BARTON (Harold Jones9, Theodore Porter8, Porter Gibbons7, Porter6, Jedediah5, Edmund4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Keene, Cheshire, NH 30 July 1923. Robert died 20 October 2010 in Goffstown, Hillsborough, NH, at 87 years of age.

He married Annette Dumont BARTON about 1947. Annette was born 3 February 1926 in Marlborough, Cheshire, NH. Annette was the daughter of Oscar BARTON and Eva LAUBER. Annette died 20 December 2010 in Manchester, Hillsborough, NH, at 84 years of age. Annette graduated from Keene Nursing School and followed that career for more than 30 years. She was a school nurse in Claremont. In the 1934 Swanzey directory he his called Robert D. Barton. He taught elementary school in Claremont for 23 years.

Robert D. BARTON and Annette Dumont BARTON had the following child:

child + 5578 i. Timothy D.11 BARTON (still alive).

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