2512. Zada9 BARTON (Uriah Samuel8, Joel7, Jonathan6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Warren Co., NY 6 June 1839.(1955) Zada died 1 January 1909 in Gary, OK, at 69 years of age.(1956)

She married Rudolph HIERSCHE 4 May 1859 in Clinton CO., IA.(1957) Rudolph was born 17 April 1834 in Hirschberg, Bohemia.(1958) Rudolph died 31 March 1902 in Gary, OK, at 67 years of age. Rudolph was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Wall Lake, Sac, IA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Zada BARTON (wife).

Zada was listed as Rudolph HIERSCHE's wife on the 1900 Census in Wall Lake, Sac, IA.

Zada BARTON and Rudolph HIERSCHE had the following children:

child + 3903 i. Franklin Rudolph10 HIERSCHE was born 6 March 1860.

child + 3904 ii. Harriet Eva HIERSCHE was born 7 October 1862.

child + 3905 iii. Fredrick August HIERSCHE was born 13 April 1866.

child + 3906 iv. George Wenzel HIERSCHE was born 10 January 1869.

child + 3907 v. Charles Ruben HIERSCHE was born 12 July 1872.

child + 3908 vi. Louis Herbert HIERSCHE was born 26 September 1881.

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