1342. Thomas Massie8 BARTON (Ozias Preston7, Alpheus6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1)(1378) was born in Chestnut Twp, Knox, IL 03 November 1841. Thomas died 23 December 1890 in Herman, Knox, IL, at 49 years of age.
He married Sarah Amelia HUMPHREY 06 March 1862. Sarah was born 18 February 1845 in Ohio. Sarah died 24 May 1924 in Knoxville, Knox, IL, at 79 years of age.
Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Knox, Knox, IL. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Marg BARTON (household member); John BARTON (household member); George W. BARTON (household member); Rachel BARTON (household member); Sarah Amelia HUMPHREY (household member). Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Knoxville, Knox, IL. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Henrietta BARTON (daughter); Rachel BARTON (daughter); Phoebe Arizona BARTON (daughter); Cyrus Altheus BARTON (son); Eugene BARTON (son); George W. BARTON (son); John BARTON (son); Sarah Amelia HUMPHREY (wife). In the 1920 census son Cyrus says his parents were both born in Ohio.
Thomas Massie BARTON and Sarah Amelia HUMPHREY had the following children:
2696 i. George W.9 BARTON was born in Knox Co, IL 1863.
2697 ii. Rachel BARTON was born in Knox Co, IL 1865. Rachel died 1945 at 80 years of age.
2698 iii. John BARTON was born in Knox Co, IL 1865.
2699 iv. Henrietta BARTON was born in Knox Co, IL 1867.
2700 v. Marg BARTON was born in IL about August 1869.
+ 2701 vi. Cyrus Altheus BARTON was born 11 March 1872.
+ 2702 vii. Eugene BARTON was born 1873.
+ 2703 viii. Phoebe Arizona BARTON was born 22 September 1876.
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