2692. Orrie Braytonette9 BARTON (Orlo Bennezette8, Enos Erastus Henry Hood7, Alpheus6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1)(1973) was born in Canton, Benton, IA 09 April 1886. Orrie died 09 June 1965 in Cheyene, Laramie, WY, at 79 years of age.

She married George Harvey SISSON 19 April 1904 in Shellsburg, Benton, IA. George was born 12 March 1880. George was the son of Charles Harvey SISSON. George died 18 November 1956 in Cheyene, Laramie, WY, at 76 years of age. George was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Pine Bluffs, Laramie, WY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Orrie Braytonette BARTON (wife). George was running a harness shop in 1930.

Orrie Braytonette BARTON and George Harvey SISSON had the following children:

child 4035 i. Vera Pearl10 SISSON(1974) was born in Clarion, Wright, IA 30 January 1906. Vera died 3 September 1973 in Colorado Springs, El Paso, CO, at 67 years of age.

child 4036 ii. William Lyle SISSON was born in IA 15 April 1907. William died 13 December 1997 at 90 years of age. He married Alma CONSTABLE.

child 4037 iii. Elva Irene SISSON(1975) was born 4 August 1908. Elva died 5 April 2001 at 92 years of age.

child 4038 iv. Baby SISSON was born 1909. Baby died 1909 at less than one year of age.

child + 4039 v. Clifford Earl SISSON was born 18 September 1910.

child 4040 vi. Etta May SISSON was born in Pine Bluffs, Benton, IA 12 May 1912. Etta died 24 December 1988 at 76 years of age. She married Fred CONSTABLE. Fred was born 1906.

child 4041 vii. Vivian Iva SISSON(1976) was born 24 April 1914. Vivian died 31 May 2004 at 90 years of age.

child 4042 viii. Verna Ione SISSON (still alive).

child 4043 ix. Mildred Minnie SISSON (still alive).

child 4044 x. George Edwin SISSON was born 10 September 1921. George died 1 June 1997 at 75 years of age. He married Dorothy MYERS.


Ora Sisson Beach

child 4045 xi. Ora Louise SISSON was born in Laramie, WY 14 March 1923. Ora died 1 June 2002 in Long Lane, Dallas, MO, at 79 years of age. She married Fred Erwin BEACH 24 February 1938 in Denver, Denver, CO. Fred was born 3 July 1907 in Wyandotte, KS. Fred died 11 February 1998 in Long Lane, Dallas, MO, at 90 years of age.

child 4046 xii. Charles Calvin SISSON (still alive).

child 4047 xiii. Marvin Ray SISSON (still alive).

child 4048 xiv. Wilma Ellen SISSON was born in Pine Bluffs, Benton, IA 11 April 1934. Wilma died 11 January 1935 at less than one year of age.

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