1243. Sidney William8 BARTON (Ozias7, Jonathan6, Timothy5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born March 1811. Sidney died 19 September 1855 in Lorraine, Jefferson, NY, at 44 years of age.

He married Fanny Abiah BLISS 8 January 1840 in Lorraine, Jefferson, NY. Fanny was born 28 April 1811. Fanny was the daughter of Rev. Enos BLISS and Betsey BREED. Fanny died 30 June 1901 in Rochester, Monroe, NY, at 90 years of age. Fanny was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Adams, Jefferson, NY.

Sidney was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Lorraine, Jefferson, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Fanny Abiah BLISS (household member); Hubert J, BARTON (household member).

Sidney William BARTON and Fanny Abiah BLISS had the following children:

child 2493 i. Alvin9 BARTON was born 24 December 1840. Alvin died 21 June 1884 at 43 years of age. Alvin was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Rochester, Monroe, NY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Fanny Abiah BLISS (mother).


Enos M. Barton

child + 2494 ii. Enos Melancthon BARTON was born 2 December 1842.

child 2495 iii. Emory Delos BARTON was born in Lorraine, Jefferson, NY about 1844.

child 2496 iv. Ellen BARTON was born about 1847.

child 2497 v. Adelia Charildine BARTON was born in Lorraine, Jefferson, NY 11 July 1849. Adelia died 13 October 1928 in Rochester, Monroe, NY, at 79 years of age.

child + 2498 vi. George Preston BARTON was born 25 August 1851.

child 2499 vii. Charles BARTON was born in NY about 1852. Charles died January 1856 in NY, at 3 years of age. The great grandson of George Barton, Hal White, has a handwritten letter by Enos in which he describes family life in the 1850's in NY. This letter mentions Charlie who "was never robust and died of lung inflamation the winter after father's death."

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