601. Horace7 BARTON (Reuben6, Reuben5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA 17 April 1810. Horace died 29 March 1899 in Fremont, Newago, MI, at 88 years of age.
He married Harriet JONES about 1831. Harriet was born about 1815 in of Williamsburg. She had marriage banns published 28 April 1831 in Williamsburg, Hampshire, MA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Horace BARTON (betrothed).
He had marriage banns published 28 April 1831 in Williamsburg, Hampshire, MA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Harriet JONES (betrothed). Horace was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Shalersville, Portage, OH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Alice C. BARTON (household member); Nancy P. BARTON (household member); Henry Osman BARTON (household member); Stephen M. BARTON (household member); Harriet BARTON (household member); Harriet JONES (household member). Horace was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Alice C. BARTON (household member); Harriet JONES (household member); Henry Osman BARTON (household member).
Horace BARTON and Harriet JONES had the following children:
1488 i. Harriet8 BARTON was born in MA about 1833.
1489 ii. Henry Osman BARTON was born in Amherst, Hampshire, MA 18 January 1837. Henry died 30 April 1924 in Kent, Portage, OH, at 87 years of age. His body was interred 3 May 1924 in Kent, Portage, OH. He married Elizabeth J. WIFE OF HENRY BARTON.
Henry was listed as a household member living with Horace BARTON on the 1850 Census in Shalersville, Portage, OH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Alice C. BARTON (household member); Nancy P. BARTON (household member); Stephen M. BARTON (household member); Harriet BARTON (household member); Harriet JONES (household member). Henry was listed as a household member living with Horace BARTON in the 1860 Census in Grand Rapids, Kent, MI. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Alice C. BARTON (household member); Harriet JONES (household member).
1490 iii. Stephen M. BARTON was born in MA about 1839. Stephen died 2 January 1926 in Charlestown, Portage, OH, at 86 years of age. His body was interred 5 January 1926 in Braceville, OH. Stephen was listed as a household member living with Horace BARTON on the 1850 Census in Shalersville, Portage, OH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Alice C. BARTON (household member); Nancy P. BARTON (household member); Henry Osman BARTON (household member); Harriet BARTON (household member); Harriet JONES (household member).
1491 iv. Nancy P. BARTON was born in MA about 1841.
1492 v. Alice C. BARTON was born in MA about 1844.
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