4232. Harold Glenwood10 BARTON (Reuben Almon9, Reuben Almon8, Reuben7, Nathan6, Nathan5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1)(2382) was born in Woodlake, NE 10 November 1906. Harold died March 1990 in Rogue River, OR, at 83 years of age.
He married Grace O. BROWN 5 February 1927 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, IA. Grace was born 5 April 1911 in Lakeside, NE. Grace was the daughter of Charlie BROWN and Polly Belle JONES. Grace died February 1986 in Rogue River, OR, at 74 years of age.
Harold was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Omaha, Douglas, NE. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Charles J. BARTON (son); Grace O. BROWN (wife).
Harold Glenwood BARTON and Grace O. BROWN had the following children:
5223 i. Mary Lou11 BARTON (still alive).
5224 ii. Charles J. BARTON was born in Omaha, Douglas, NE 25 June 1927. Charles died 25 January 1962 at 34 years of age.
5225 iii. Geraldine BARTON (still alive).
5226 iv. Harold G. BARTON was born in Grand Island, NE 28 June 1932. Harold died April 1971 at 38 years of age.
+ 5227 v. Polly Ann BARTON (still alive).
5228 vi. Eric BARTON (still alive).
5229 vii. Judith Marian BARTON (still alive).
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