575. Chester7 BARTON (Nathan6, Nathan5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1)(733) was born in Plainfield, MA 21 October 1807. Chester died 19 December 1884 at 77 years of age.

He married Caroline ESTES 23 March 1834 in Kingsville, Ashtabula, OH. Caroline was born February 1815 in RI. Caroline died 26 April 1864 in Savoy, Berkshire, MA, at 49 years of age. Caroline was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Savoy, Berkshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Charles Estes BARTON (household member); Chester Manley BARTON MD (household member); Henry Sayles BARTON (household member); Daniel Newel BARTON (household member).

Chester was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Savoy, Berkshire, MA.(734) The following individuals are also linked to this event: Charles Estes BARTON (household member); Henry Sayles BARTON (household member); Daniel Newel BARTON (household member); Chester Manley BARTON MD (household member); Caroline ESTES (household member). Chester was listed as a household member living with Nathaniel MARSTON in the 1860 Census in Township 9N 5W, Henderson, IL. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Luna MARSTON (household member); Arthur MARSTON (household member); Laura MARSTON (household member); Morris MARSTON (household member); Lois BARTON (household member); Fletcher MARSTON (household member); Emery MARSTON (household member). Chester was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Kingsville, Ashtabula, OH. Chester was farming in Savoy, MA at the 1850 census. And was also there in the 1855 state census.

Wife Caroline was head of household in the 1860 census with all the children living at home.

At the death of his son, Daniel, Chester was living in West Virginia.

Chester BARTON and Caroline ESTES had the following children:

child 1400 i. Daniel Newel8 BARTON(735) was born in Plainfield, MA 21 April 1836. Daniel died 1 September 1883 in Savoy, Berkshire, MA, at 47 years of age.(736) Daniel was listed as a household member living with Caroline ESTES in the 1860 Census in Savoy, Berkshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Charles Estes BARTON (household member); Chester Manley BARTON MD (household member); Henry Sayles BARTON (household member). Daniel appears to have died unmarried.

child + 1401 ii. Chester Manley BARTON MD was born 31 December 1838.

child 1402 iii. Henry Sayles BARTON(737) was born in Charlemont, Franklin, MA 21 October 1839.(738) Henry died 17 May 1899 in Savoy, Berkshire, MA, at 59 years of age.(739) His body was interred in Charlemont, Franklin, MA. He married Bethia H. SEARS 21 February 1866 in Hawley, Franklin, MA.(740) Bethia was born 16 June 1843 in Hawley, Franklin, MA.(741) Bethia was the daughter of Seth SEARS and Anna STOCKWELL.

Henry was listed as a household member living with Caroline ESTES in the 1860 Census in Savoy, Berkshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Charles Estes BARTON (household member); Chester Manley BARTON MD (household member); Daniel Newel BARTON (household member). Henry was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Savoy, Berkshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Bethia H. SEARS (household member); Daniel Newel BARTON (household member). Henry was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Savoy, Berkshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Daniel Newel BARTON (brother); Bethia H. SEARS (wife). It seems as though Sayles and Bethia had no children. The probate records only list Bethia, brother Chester and neice Jessie Miller, Nephew Lewis L. Barton of Waterveliet, NY, neice Ellen Harrington and minor neices susy, elsie and georgeann Barton of Plympton. The latter 3 are described as minors with no legal guardian.

child + 1403 iv. Charles Estes BARTON was born about 1844.

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