2001. Fred Cobb8 BARTON (Greenwood Flynt7, Otis6, Flint5, Edmund4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Bradley, Penobscot, ME 26 January 1855. Fred died 5 July 1920 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME, at 65 years of age.
He married Jennie C. FERNALD 26 January 1881 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. Jennie was born 13 June 1857. Jennie died 21 July 1931 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME, at 74 years of age.
Fred was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Thirza TARRIO (daughter-in-law); Arlo Fred BARTON (son); Murray Fernald BARTON (son); Jennie C. FERNALD (wife). Fred was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Arlo Fred BARTON (son); Jennie C. FERNALD (wife).
Fred Cobb BARTON and Jennie C. FERNALD had the following children:
3482 i. Murray Fernald9 BARTON was born in Bradley, Penobscot, ME 10 March 1884. Murray died 11 January 1941 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME, at 56 years of age. He married Thirza TARRIO 1 March 1909. Thirza was born 25 September 1885 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. Thirza died 7 September 1971 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME, at 85 years of age.
Murray was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. The following individual is also linked to this event: Thirza TARRIO (wife). Murray was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. The following individual is also linked to this event: Thirza TARRIO (wife). Was enumerated as the head of household in the 1940 census on 3 April 1940) at in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. The following individual is also linked to this event: Thirza TARRIO (Wife). In september 1918 Murray was treasurer and clerk in his father's store.
3483 ii. Arlo Fred BARTON was born in Bradley, Penobscot, ME 2 October 1889. Arlo died 19 July 1967 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME, at 77 years of age. He married Laura Ring MCLAUGHLIN 21 December 1926.(1714) Laura was born 23 March 1890 in Bowdoinham, Sagadahoc, ME. Laura died July 1978 in Bradley, Penobscot, ME, at 88 years of age.
Arlo was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Bradley, Penobscot, ME. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Laura Ring MCLAUGHLIN (wife); Jennie C. FERNALD (mother). In 1930 Arlo was running a general store.
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