1566. Henrietta8 BARTON (Jacob Wood7, Titus Theodore6, David5, Elisha (Elijah)4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born 11 November 1832.(1491) Henrietta died 16 January 1912 at 79 years of age.
She married Matthew ASHELBY 4 December 1855 in Jacksonville, Morgan, IL. Matthew was born 2 August 1832. Matthew was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Jacksonville, Morgan, IL. The following individual is also linked to this event: Henrietta BARTON (household member).
Henrietta was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Jacksonville, Morgan, IL.
Henrietta BARTON and Matthew ASHELBY had the following children:
3040 i. Lilly9 ASHELBY was born about 1860.
3041 ii. Henry E. ASHELBY was born about 1862.
3042 iii. Euphemia ASHELBY was born in Jacksonville, Morgan, IL about 1866. She married Frank B. FLORENTINE MD.
3043 iv. Kate ASHELBY was born about 1870.
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