630. David Lathrup7 BARTON (David6, David5, Elisha (Elijah)4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Paris, Oneida, NY December 24, 1798. David died April 28, 1865 at 66 years of age.

He married Almira PECK January 17, 1821 in Marshall, Oneida, NY. Almira was born January 18, 1803 in Marshall, NY. Almira was the daughter of Isaac PECK and Luena CANDEE. Almira died February 15, 1890 at 87 years of age.

David was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Marshall, Oneida, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Caroline Almira BARTON (household member); Mark Anthony BARTON (household member); Ann Eliza BARTON (household member); Almira PECK (household member). David is a successful farmer in the 1860 census.

David Lathrup BARTON and Almira PECK had the following children:

child + 1535 i. Lydia Lucena8 BARTON was born December 1, 1821.

child + 1536 ii. William Lathrup BARTON was born September 22, 1824.

child + 1537 iii. Charles Rinaldo BARTON was born May 12, 1827.

child + 1538 iv. Edward Peck BARTON was born June 5, 1829.

child + 1539 v. Jane Elizabeth BARTON was born May 5, 1831.

child + 1540 vi. Mark Anthony BARTON was born April 8, 1833.

child + 1541 vii. Ann Eliza BARTON was born October 4, 1837.

child 1542 viii. Caroline Almira BARTON was born June 22, 1841. Caroline died August 22, 1926 at 85 years of age.

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