629. Eliphaz Breed7 BARTON (David6, David5, Elisha (Elijah)4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA May 15, 1795. Eliphaz died July 11, 1874 in Deansboro, NY, at 79 years of age.

He married Polly Maria BARKER January 1, 1818 in Deansboro, NY. Polly was born June 4, 1797 in New Lebanon, NY.(804) Polly was the daughter of Wardwell BARKER and Polly. Polly died July 21, 1883 in Deansboro, NY, at 86 years of age.

Eliphaz was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Marshall, Oneida, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Polly (household member); Polly Maria BARKER (household member); Seth Eliphaz BARTON (household member). Eliphaz was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Marshall, Oneida, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Clara E. BARTON (household member); Gertrude BARTON (household member); Mary Ann OLIVER (household member); Evaline BARTON (household member); David Wardwell BARTON (household member); Polly Maria BARKER (household member).

Eliphaz Breed BARTON and Polly Maria BARKER had the following children:

child 1527 i. George Marshall8 BARTON was born November 10, 1818. George died August 24, 1848 at 29 years of age.

child + 1528 ii. John Barker BARTON was born October 26, 1820.

child 1529 iii. Joseph Fuller BARTON was born in Marshall, Oneida, NY June 16, 1823. Joseph died February 15, 1908 at 84 years of age. His body was interred in Waterville, NY. A farmer, Joseph also served as a town supervisor for six years.

child + 1530 iv. Samuel BARTON was born April 11, 1825.

child + 1531 v. Mary Maria BARTON was born May 18, 1830.

child + 1532 vi. David Wardwell BARTON was born May 1, 1835.

child 1533 vii. Caroline BARTON was born January 26, 1838. Caroline died February 14, 1838 at less than one year of age.

child + 1534 viii. Seth Eliphaz BARTON was born December 16, 1839.

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