515. Stephen Van Rensalear7 BARTON (Abia6, Joshua5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Spencer, MA July 26, 1804.(672) Stephen died 30 December 1874 in Spencer, MA, at 70 years of age.(673) His body was interred in North Brookfield, Worcestor, MA.
He married Lydia BURLINGHAM. Lydia was born 1799 in Brookfield, Worcester, MA. She had marriage banns published 13 December 1843 in Warren, Worcester, MA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Stephen Van Rensalear BARTON (fiance).
Stephen had marriage banns to an unknown person published 13 December 1843 in Warren, Worcester, MA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Lydia BURLINGHAM (betrothed). Stephen was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Sturbridge, Worcester, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Mary Jane BARTON (household member); Lydia B. BARTON (household member); Oliver E. BARTON (household member); Lydia BURLINGHAM (household member).
Stephen Van Rensalear BARTON and Lydia BURLINGHAM had the following children:
+ 1222 i. Relief8 BARTON was born 20 April 1831.
1223 ii. Lydia B. BARTON was born in Palmer, Hampden, MA 4 March 1833.(674) She married Henry H. SCARBOROUGH 3 November 1850 in Sturbridge, Worcester, MA.(675) Henry was born about 1826 in Ashford, CT.
+ 1224 iii. Oliver E. BARTON was born 11 May 1836.
1225 iv. Lucy Ann BARTON was born in Sturbridge, Worcester, MA 2 January 1837.(676)
1226 v. Mary Jane BARTON was born in Hubbardston, Worcester, MA 27 September 1838.(677) She married Elisha N. BUXTON 29 July 1855 in West Brookfield, Worcester, MA.
1227 vi. Stephen BARTON was born in Hubbardston, Worcester, MA 8 April 1840.(678)
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