497. Asa7 BARTON (Nathaniel6, Joshua5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Spencer, MA 6 July 1792.(622) Asa died 12 February 1864 in Monroe Co, OH, at 71 years of age.

He married Lucinda CURTIS 25 November 1813 in Charlton, Worcester, MA.(623) Lucinda was born 18 August 1793 in Charlton, Worcester, MA.(624) Lucinda was the daughter of Jonathan CURTIS and Sybilla HAVEN. Lucinda died 12 February 1861 in Monroe Co, OH, at 67 years of age.

An unknown person was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Franklin, Monroe, OH. In the Census of 1850, Asa was listed as a head of household in Franklin, Monroe, OH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Louisa Mary BARTON (household member); Lucinda CURTIS (household member). According to information received through Bob Curtis (RCsatex@aol.com) Asa and Lucinda traveled to Ohio about 1816 with her family.

The 1840 census shows Asa in Monroe county and brothers Jonas and Eli appear to be there also.

Asa BARTON and Lucinda CURTIS had the following children:

child + 1179 i. Nancy8 BARTON was born 31 May 1816.

child 1180 ii. Clarinda BARTON was born in Charlton, Worcester, MA February 25, 1818.(625)

child + 1181 iii. Rice C. BARTON was born May 25, 1820.

child + 1182 iv. Louisa Mary BARTON was born 10 September 1825.

child + 1183 v. Aaron BARTON was born December 1828.

child + 1184 vi. Asa BARTON was born 1830.

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