1032. Andrew Jackson8 BARTON (Benjamin7, Benjamin6, Bezaleel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Croydon, Sullivan, NH September 9, 1824. Andrew died February 1, 1890 in Upton, Worcester, MA, at 65 years of age.(1175) His body was interred in Upton, Worcester, MA.

He married Orissa Holman NOURSE April 6, 1853 in Upton, Worcester, MA.(1176) Orissa was born 4 December 1833 in Bolton, MA. Orissa was the daughter of Caleb NOURSE and Orissa HOLMAN. Orissa died 10 July 1913 in Upton, Worcester, MA, at 79 years of age.(1177) Her body was interred 13 July 1913 in Upton, Worcester, MA.

Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Mendon, Worcester, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Anna Orissa BARTON (household member); Alice Rosilla BARTON (household member); Fred BARTON (household member); Abbie Slayton BARTON (household member); Alex BARTON (household member); Orissa Holman NOURSE (household member). Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Upton, Worcester, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Anna Orissa BARTON (daughter); Alice Rosilla BARTON (daughter); Orissa Holman NOURSE (wife). Andrew lived mostly with his uncle Alex in as much as he didn't get along with his stepmother. He learned tailoring from his uncle and, as a young man, worked at the trade for ten years with William McCorney of Grafton, MA. In his mid 20's he moved to Westboro where he became a boot crimper and then to Upton where he met his wife. They lived in various towns in the area where he worked as meatcutter, carpenter and crimper and even, for a while, drove a stagecoach.

Andrew Jackson BARTON and Orissa Holman NOURSE had the following children:

child + 2189 i. Alex9 BARTON was born July 26, 1854.

child + 2190 ii. Fred BARTON was born September 9, 1856.

child 2191 iii. Abbie Slayton BARTON was born in Milford, Worcester, MA February 6, 1859.(1178) Abbie died 9 December 1879 in Upton, Worcester, MA, at 20 years of age.(1179)

child 2192 iv. Alice Rosilla BARTON was born in So. Mendon, MA January 26, 1861. Alice died 19 February 1905 in Upton, Worcester, MA, at 44 years of age.(1180) Her body was interred in Upton, Worcester, MA. Alice taught first and second grades in the Upton schools for some 18 years. She was also an accomplished amature painter and living with brother Alex in the 1900 census.

child 2193 v. Anna Orissa BARTON was born in So. Mendon, MA December 28, 1862. Anna died 1892 at 29 years of age. Her body was interred in Upton, Worcester, MA.

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