2328. Arthur Hosea9 BARTON (George E.8, Hosea Ballou7, Peter6, Bezaleel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Lyme, Grafton, NH September 24, 1883.
He married twice. He married Lenora WIFE OF ARTHUR BARTON. Lenora was born about 1889 in NH. Lenora died 1925 in Binghamton, Broome, NY, at 36 years of age. He married Mary JOHNSTONE 1927. Mary was born 12 June 1900 in England. Mary died December 1978 in Binghamton, Broome, NY, at 78 years of age.
Arthur was listed as a lodger living with Abbie PURRINGTON's household on the 1910 Census in Lynn, Essex, MA. Arthur was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Binghamton, Broome, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Kenneth A. BARTON (son); George A. BARTON (son); Lenora WIFE OF ARTHUR BARTON (wife). Arthur was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Binghamton, Broome, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Ronald Caven BARTON (son); George A. BARTON (son); Kenneth A. BARTON (son); Mary JOHNSTONE (wife). Arthur is boarding at Newport NH in July 1900 at the census. Listed as a 16 year old student. In 1910 he was an apprentice electrician living in Lynn, MA. In the 1920 census he is an electrical contractor and in 1930 census he is an electrical engineer.
Information on the family comes from Linda Barton-Shoop.
Arthur Hosea BARTON and Lenora WIFE OF ARTHUR BARTON had the following children:
3735 i. George A.10 BARTON was born in NY 1912.
3736 ii. Kenneth A. BARTON was born in NY 1914.
Arthur Hosea BARTON and Mary JOHNSTONE had the following children:
3737 iii. Ronald Caven BARTON was born in NY 6 February 1930. Ronald died April 1983 in Binghamton, Broome, NY, at 53 years of age.
+ 3738 iv. Wallace Everett BARTON was born 20 February 1931.
+ 3739 v. Charles Allen BARTON (still alive).
+ 3740 vi. Ernest Bruce BARTON was born 9 September 1937.
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