2098. Robert Wilson9 BARTON (Charles Osborn8, Charles A.7, Charles6, Josiah5, Ebenezer4, Ebenezer3, William2, Edward1) was born in Hopkinton, Merrimack, NH May 29, 1864. Robert died November 29, 1955 at 91 years of age.
He married Mabel THOMPSON October 11, 1885 in Hopkinton, Merrimack, NH.(1729) Mabel was born 04 August 1866 in Springfield, Hampden, MA. Mabel died September 5, 1926 in Concord, Merrimack, NH, at 60 years of age. Mabel was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Hopkinton, Merrimack, NH. The following individual is also linked to this event: Harold Emery BARTON (son).
Robert was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Concord, Merrimack, NH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Bertha Edith BARTON (daughter); Leslie Charles BARTON (son); Forest Cleon BARTON (son); Harold Emery BARTON (son); Mabel THOMPSON (wife). Robert was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Henniker, Merrimack, NH. Robert was a stonecutter.
Robert Wilson BARTON and Mabel THOMPSON had the following children:
+ 3522 i. Forest Cleon10 BARTON was born March 22, 1886.
3523 ii. Bertha Edith BARTON was born in Concord, Merrimack, NH March 17, 1890. Bertha died November 1979 in Concord, Merrimack, NH, at 89 years of age. She married three times. She married Justin CATE October 7, 1906. She married John C. BENNETT circa 1934. She married William EUSTIS after 1936. William died in Henniker, Merrimack, NH.
3524 iii. Harry Leon BARTON was born in Concord, Merrimack, NH January 27, 1892.(1730) Harry died before 1900.
3525 iv. Harold Emery BARTON was born in Concord, Merrimack, NH February 2, 1894.(1731) Harold died December 7, 1986 in Henniker, Merrimack, NH, at 92 years of age. Harold was listed as a son in Mabel THOMPSON's household on the 1920 Census in Hopkinton, Merrimack, NH. Harold was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Hopkinton, Merrimack, NH.
+ 3526 v. Leslie Charles BARTON was born August 20, 1896.
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