3704. Verne Alanson10 BARTON (Orville Cooper9, Alanson Cooper8, Bazaleel7, Peter6, Bezaleel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Croydon, Sullivan, NH June 12, 1892.(2312) Verne died April 3, 1955 in Plainfield, Sullivan, NH, at 62 years of age.
He married Katherine E. ASHLEY about 1915. Katherine was born about 1897 in South Reading, Windsor, VT. Katherine was the daughter of Theodore ASHLEY and Nellie WIFE OF THEODORE ASHLEY.
Verne was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Windsor, Windsor, VT. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Nellie BARTON (daughter); Marvis Eloise BARTON (daughter); Vern O. BARTON (son); Katherine E. ASHLEY (wife). Vern was employed as a machinest when he registered for the draft in June of 1917. He was short and slender with gray eyes and light brown hair.
Verne Alanson BARTON and Katherine E. ASHLEY had the following children:
+ 4854 i. Vern O.11 BARTON was born about 1916.
4855 ii. Marvis Eloise BARTON (still alive).
4856 iii. Nellie BARTON (living status unknown).
4857 iv. Martha BARTON was born in South Reading, Windsor, VT 13 January 1925. Martha died 6 March 1998 in Windsor, Windsor, VT, at 73 years of age. She married Lionel A. TRACY.
4858 v. Lois BARTON was born in South Reading, Windsor, VT 11 April 1926. Lois died 12 April 2001 in Windsor, Windsor, VT, at 75 years of age. She married twice. She married Unknown KELLY. She married unknown RILEY.
4859 vi. Norma E. BARTON (living status unknown).
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