453. Peter7 BARTON JR. (Peter6, Bezaleel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born 1785. Peter died 20 February 1863 in Croydon, Sullivan, NH, at 77 years of age.

He married Rachel ALDRICH February 9, 1813 in Croydon, Cheshire, NH. Rachel was born 01 February 1794. Rachel died December 21, 1882 in Croydon, Sullivan, NH, at 88 years of age.(570)

Peter was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Croydon, Sullivan, NH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Frederick BARTON (household member); Rachel ALDRICH (household member); George Upham BARTON (household member). Peter was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Croydon, Sullivan, NH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Rachel ALDRICH (household member); George Upham BARTON (household member).

Peter BARTON Jr. and Rachel ALDRICH had the following children:

child + 1060 i. Martin Augustus8 BARTON was born August 22, 1813.

child + 1061 ii. Miranda BARTON was born April 28, 1815.

child 1062 iii. Benjamin Franklin BARTON was born in Croydon, Sullivan, NH August 26, 1817. Benjamin died 26 March 1858 in Sutton, Worcester, MA, at 40 years of age.(571) He married Emily E. BALLOU 23 December 1851 in Westford, MA.(572) Emily was born 19 May 1828 in Richmond, NH. Emily was the daughter of James BALLOU. Emily died 13 February 1853 in Worcester, Worcester, MA, at 24 years of age.(573) Benjamin was a peddler. The death record gives heart disease as the cause of death but adds that he ruptured a blood vessel while playing ball.

child + 1063 iv. Sarah Ann BARTON was born September 5, 1819.

child + 1064 v. George Upham BARTON was born January 2, 1821.

child 1065 vi. Gardner Aldrich BARTON was born in Croydon, Sullivan, NH September 8, 1825. Gardner died September 16, 1827 in Croydon, Sullivan, NH, at 2 years of age.(574)

child + 1066 vii. Adelia Staples BARTON was born April 30, 1831.

child + 1067 viii. Frederick BARTON was born May 30, 1837.

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