920. Anson Bliss7 BARTON (Anson6, Flint5, Edmund4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Cambridgeport, ME November 27, 1836.

He married Amanda E. HILL 20 September 1869 in Boston, Suffolk, MA. Amanda was born October 1836 in Boston, Suffolk, MA. Amanda was the daughter of Benjamin HILL and Mary. In the 1900 census it is recorded that Amanda had 5 children of whom 2 were alive at that time. The same census says she was born in Canada.

He was listed as a household member of Anson BARTON's house in the Census of in Sidney, ME. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Caroline Augusta BARTON (household member); Mary Ellen BARTON (household member); William Henry Harrison BARTON (household member); Jonathan Quincy BARTON (household member); Rhoda SISSON (household member); Greenleaf BARTON (household member). Anson was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Walnut, Polk, IA.(1080) The following individual is also linked to this event: Amanda E. HILL (household member). Anson was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Abington, Plymouth, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Frank Willard BARTON (son); Herbert Anson BARTON (son); Amanda E. HILL (wife). Anson was called an organ builder at his marriage and in a 1869 city directory and a farmer in Iowa in 1870. When his daughter was born in 1873 he was called a pianoforte key maker. At the 1880 census back in Massachusetts he was a broom manufacturer.

Anson Bliss BARTON and Amanda E. HILL had the following children:

child 2056 i. Blanche Amanda8 BARTON was born in Cambridge, MIddlesex, MA 16 February 1873.(1081) Blanche died 31 August 1873 in Cambridge, MIddlesex, MA, at less than one year of age.

child 2057 ii. Herbert Anson BARTON was born in Cambridge, MIddlesex, MA 26 June 1875.(1082) He married Mary Frances KENDALL 31 March 1915 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA. Mary was born about 1874 in New York, NY. Mary was the daughter of Aaron KENDALL and Emma SIEBELL.

Herbert was listed as a lodger living with C. M. WHITE's household on the 1910 Census in Brooklyn, Kings, NY. Herbert was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Brooklyn, Kings, NY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Mary Frances KENDALL (wife). Herbert was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census in Brooklyn, Kings, NY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Mary Frances KENDALL (wife). Herbert was a Baptist clergyman.

child + 2058 iii. Frank Willard BARTON was born April 1877.

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