277. Hannah6 BARTON (David5, Elisha (Elijah)4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA May 20, 1771. Hannah died September 5, 1848 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at 77 years of age.(325) Death was also recorded in the West Springfield, MA VR

She married Waitstill DICKENSON circa 1796 in Granby, Hampshire, MA. Waitstill was born August 30, 1765 in Hadley, Hampshire, MA. Waitstill was the son of Waitstill DICKENSON and Phebe SMITH. Waitstill died June 11, 1839 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at 73 years of age. Hannah and husband Waitstill bought land next to her brother David in Waterville and Paris NY about 1796. They returned to Granby about 1812 where her father deeded them one half of his home lot. Her death is also recorded in the West Springfield vital records.

Hannah BARTON and Waitstill DICKENSON had the following children:

child + 659 i. William Bowman7 DICKENSON was born January 7, 1799.

child 660 ii. Clymanda DICKENSON was born in Waterville, NY January 13, 1801. Clymanda died February 14, 1826 at 25 years of age.

child 661 iii. Hannah DICKENSON was born in Paris, Oneida, NY October 11, 1803. Hannah died 3 September 1848 at 44 years of age. She married Luke HITCHCOCK 3 November 1825. Luke was born 10 September 1800 in Springfield, Hampden, MA. Luke was the son of Perseus HITCHCOCK and Anna BURCHARD.

child 662 iv. Sylvester Addison DICKENSON(326) was born in Paris, Oneida, NY 9 September 1805. Sylvester died 26 September 1818 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at 13 years of age.

child 663 v. Elihu Romeo DICKENSON(327) was born in Paris, Oneida, NY 21 December 1807. Elihu died 23 January 1827 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at 19 years of age.

child 664 vi. Samuel Barton DICKENSON was born in Paris, Oneida, NY 12 April 1811. He married Eliza KENDALL.

child 665 vii. Phebe Lucina DICKENSON was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA 1 February 1813.

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