261. Daniel6 BARTON (Reuben5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA July 21, 1768. Daniel died 11 April 1831 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at 62 years of age.
He married Lois WHITE 21 August 1788 in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA.(309) Lois was born in of Granby. Lois died 15 April 1850 in Wayne, Ashtabula, OH. She had marriage banns published 3 May 1788 in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Daniel BARTON (betrothed).
He was baptized 25 August 1776 in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. He had marriage banns published 3 May 1788 in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. The following individual is also linked to this event: Lois WHITE (betrothed). Daniel was listed as the head of a family on the 1790 Census in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Lois WHITE (free wh female); Josephine Sophia BARTON (free wh female). Daniel was listed as the head of a family on the 1800 Census in Granby, Hampshire, MA. Daniel was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Granby, Hampshire, MA.
Daniel BARTON and Lois WHITE had the following children:
+ 587 i. Josephine Sophia7 BARTON was born 13 June 1789.
588 ii. Electa BARTON was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA 25 November 1790. Electa died 2 December 1793 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at 3 years of age.
+ 589 iii. Eli BARTON was born 8 January 1793.
+ 590 iv. Eldad BARTON was born 3 February 1796.
591 v. Son BARTON was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA 7 April 1797. Son died 7 April 1797 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at less than one year of age.
+ 592 vi. Parma BARTON was born 7 April 1797.
593 vii. Electa BARTON was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA 25 April 1801. Electa died 9 August 1804 in Granby, Hampshire, MA, at 3 years of age.
594 viii. Mary BARTON was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA 10 May 1801.
595 ix. Henry BARTON was born in Granby, Hampshire, MA 25 August 1804.
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