260. Josiah6 BARTON (Reuben5, Joshua4, Samuel3, Matthew2, Edward1) was born in Dudley, MA April 2, 1766.(304) Josiah died 25 January 1851 in Rumney, Grafton, NH, at 84 years of age.(305)
He married twice. He married Eunice RATHBONE 5 June 1796 in Hoosick, Rensselaer, NY.(306) The following individual is also linked to this event: John COMSTOCK Esq (Justice of the peace). Eunice was born 15 May 1773 in Hopkinton, Washington, RI.(307) Eunice was the daughter of Benjamin RATHBUN and Dorcas WIFE OF BENJAMIN RATHBUN. Eunice died 19 September 1861 in Stillwater, Saratoga, NY, at 88 years of age.(308) Her body was interred in Stillwater, Saratoga, NY. Eunice was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Stillwater, Saratoga, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Josiah BARTON Jr. (free wh male 10-16); Benjamin R. BARTON (free wh male 10-16); Eunice BARTON (fpc female 14-26); Laura BARTON (fpc female 14-26). Eunice was listed as a household member living with Jeremiah WOODWORTH in the 1860 Census in Stillwater, Saratoga, NY. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Margaret WOODWORTH (household member); Martin V. WOODWORTH (household member); Laura BARTON (household member). In the 1860 census we find Eunice at age 89 living in the household of daughter Laura and Jeremiah Woodworth in Stillwater, Saratoga, NY. Eunice's grave is in the Flagler Cemetery located on the east side of route 70 a little over a mile south of Ketchums Corners , 7/10 mile south of Jack Halloran Road , 1/10 mile south of Putnam road in Stillwater.
He married Jenney CRANE 9 May 1809 in Enfield, Grafton, NH. Jenney was born about 1780. Jenney was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Rumney, Grafton, NH. Jenney filed for Josiah's Revolutionary war pension from Romney in 1857. At the filing she says she is 77 years old.
He was baptized 25 August 1776 in Belchertown, Hampshire, MA. Josiah was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Rumney, Grafton, NH. The following individuals are also linked to this event: Jenney CRANE (household member); Jotham TRUELL (household member). The marriage of Eunice and Jeremiah is also recorded in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly volume 26 as having been at Hoosac, NY. Josiah abandoned his family in New York State about 1808 according to pension claims and removed to New Hampshire where he married Jenny without the nicities of a divorce.
His father Reuben wrote a statement in support of his application for a pension He was receiving his pension for Revolutionary war service and upon his death, both wives filed for support. Eunice received the pension and Jenny was left in dire straits living in Holderness. His pension records say he was a cordwainer with no land holdings.
Josiah BARTON and Eunice RATHBONE had the following children:
580 i. Caleb7 BARTON was born in NY 21 May 1797. Caleb was listed as the head of a family on the 1820 Census in Providence, Saratoga, NY. Caleb was listed as the head of a family on the 1830 Census in Providence, Saratoga, NY. An unknown person was listed as the head of a family on the 1840 Census in Providence, Saratoga, NY. In the 1820 census, Caleb had two sons and a daughter under ten years and his wife in the family.
581 ii. Margaret BARTON was born in NY 5 October 1799.
582 iii. Marcia BARTON was born in NY 12 April 1800.
583 iv. Eunice BARTON was born in NY 17 August 1801. Eunice died 15 October 1889 in Rose, Wayne, NY, at 88 years of age. She married Thomas DUNHAM. Thomas was born about 1798 in NY. Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Williamson, Wayne, NY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Eunice BARTON (household member). Thomas was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Rose, Wayne, NY. The following individual is also linked to this event: Eunice BARTON (household member). Thomas was born in Washington county, NY according to the 1875 NY census.
Eunice was listed as a household member living with Thomas DUNHAM in the 1860 Census in Williamson, Wayne, NY. Eunice was listed as a household member living with Thomas DUNHAM on the 1870 Census in Rose, Wayne, NY.
+ 584 v. Laura BARTON was born 15 December 1802.
585 vi. Benjamin R. BARTON was born in NY 26 November 1804. He married Anna BELDEN. Anna was the daughter of William BELDEN and Priscilla RYDER. Anna died in Greenfield, Saratoga, NY.
+ 586 vii. Josiah BARTON Jr. was born 15 November 1807.
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